Shinoda Masahiro's Shonen Jidai ("Youthful Days") revolves around primary school student Kazama Shinji (Fujita Tetsuya) who is transferred to another school during the final days of the 2nd World War. Shinji's new class representative Ohara Takeshi (Horioka Yuji) often has to use forceful means to insure discipline and order. One day Shinji is bullied and Takeshi rushes to his aid causing the two boys to turn into the closest of friends while their class mates are silently planning to kick Takeshi out of his position?
Mainly revolving around friendship and the problem of growing up within a small war infested town, Shonen Jidai ("Youthful Days") is based on the Akutagawa award-winning novel by Kashiwabara Hyozo. The movie itself was honored with the trophies for Best Film, Best Director, and Best Script during the 14th Japanese Oscar presentation.
Rating: 8.0/10
Runtime: 117 min
Language: Japanese (English .srt subs)
Country: Japan
Color: Color
IMDb Link: hxxp://
Director: Masahiro Shinoda
Tetsuya Fujita ... Shinji Kazama
Yuji Horioka ... Takeshi Ohara
Katsuhisa Yamazaki ... Futoshi Tanabe
Noritake Kobinata ... Kensuke Sudo
Atsuko Koyama ... Minako Saiki
Shima Iwashita ... Shizue Kazama
Toshiyuki Hosokawa ... Shusaku Kazama
Choichiro Kawarazaki ... Tatsuo Kazama
Kazuyo Mita ... Shige Kazama
Nobuko Sendô ... Akiko Tanabe
Mitsue Suzuki ... Maki Kazama
Shinsuke Ashida ... Principal
Hideji Otaki ... Stationmaster
Kyosen Ôhashi ... Photographer
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